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Howard Chaykin

Howard Chaykin

Born in Newark in 1950, Howard Victor Chaykin began his comic book career at the early age of 17. This was just the beginning of a long journey that has led him to be one of best known and appreciated names as a screenwriter, an illustrator and a complete author in the American comic book panorama. Furthermore, he has also worked as a cinema and TV screenwriter and producer for many years.

With his unique line, he has realised the stories of Batman, Tarzan, Star Wars, JSA, House of Mystery, The Shadow, Blackhawk, Ironwolf, Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser, Amazing Adventures, Conan The Barbarian, X-Men, Magneto, Hulk, Avengers, Punisher and Wolverine.

As a complete author, he has also carried out many different projects, including: 

Power and Glory, Midnight of the Soul, Marked Man, Century West, The Divided States of Hysteria and Hey Kids! Comics! and true cult works like Black Kiss, Time2 and American Flagg!.

In the saldaPress catalogue, it is possible to find the only Black Kiss complete edition in the world, The Divided States of Hysteria iconoclast, the Midnight of the Soul spy-story and the Satellite Sam series, created with the screenwriter Matt Fraction.


Evento su prenotazione


with Garth Ennis, Joe Kelly and Howard Chaykin, moderated by Marco Rizzo.