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What makes hundreds of thousands of people to meet in the city of Lucca every year to celebrate the passion for gaming, comics, manga, animation cinema, TV series, fantasy fiction? Probably the fact that "happiness is only real when shared", as stated by the main character of the film “Into the Wild”, paraphrasing Lev Tolstoy.

In a world where technology pushes us more and more to self-worship and detachment from others, the value of sharing experiences finds a powerful and vital form of expression in pop culture. This is why Lucca Comics & Games, aware of this need for connection, has chosen TOGETHER as the main theme for the 2023 edition…

These two paragraphs are just a short introduction: if you want to deepen the story behind this year's theme and the poster directly from the artists that have realised it, Tomer and Asaf Hanuka, we refer you to the relative page.