Creators of fantasy worlds

The queen of French fantasy Christelle Dabos arrives for the first time in Italy with Edizioni E/O to meet the fans of the Mirror Visitor Quartet on 4 and 5 November at Lucca Comics & Games. The author of the phenomenon saga TikTok with over 500,000 copies sold in Italy will present her new fantasy novel,Here, and Only Here, published in May also by Edizioni E/O. A meeting/confrontation with the queen of Italian fantasy could not be missing. Appointment on 5 November at 10.30 a.m. in the Auditorium del Suffragio for the panel Fantasy from France to the Peninsula that will see Dabos confront Licia Troisi.
Author of Darkest Mind, a saga on which the film of the same name was based, Alexandra Bracken lands on the Peninsula for the first time to launch her new novel Silverin the Bone, published by Sperling & Kupfer. Present at the fair from 3 to 5 November, Bracken will be waiting for fans in the Auditorium San Girolamo on 4 November at 12 noon to talk about her career and her new book with content creator Chiara Cecilia Santamaria, aka Machedavvero and BoomFiction, who will be present at Lucca Comics & Games on her debut as a fantasy author with Le cinque rive (Gribaudo).
Among the returns of great international authors, on the other hand, is Christopher Paolini(in the photo, © Lo Hunter), who will take part in the festival in his digital version. The author of the Inheritance Cycle will be the guest of the Twitch channel of Lucca Comics & Games on 1 November to present the world premiere of Murtagh, the new spin-off of the famous saga of the Knight of Dragons Eragon and his dragoness Saphira. Published by Rizzoli, the novel will be in bookshops from 7 November, but fans of the saga will be able to pre-order one of the 1,000 copies with an exclusive limited edition variant cover at the fair. Paolini will then be in Italy from 7 to 10 December, in collaboration with Lucca Comics & Games, for an exceptional tour that will start in Rome and travel up the boot to Milan.
Lucca Comics & Games is also the place to discover new Italian and international authors. Among the latter, guest of the festival will be A.Y. Chao, a Chinese-Canadian author making her debut with the fantasy novel Shanghai Immortal (Edizioni E/O), a story that draws heavily from Asian mythology. The author will be present at the event on 2 and 3 November and will present her novel at the Auditorium Fondazione Banca Del Monte in Lucca on 3 November at 11.30 a.m.
The second international debuting novelist will be A.J. West, journalist for the BBC and author of The Spirit Engineer (Neri Pozza), a gothic-horror novel that will be presented at the Auditorium Fondazione Banca Del Monte in Lucca on 1st at 4:30 pm.
Also in collaboration with Neri Pozza, Pedro Oyarbide, illustrator of the gothic-horror saga Blackwater, much loved by Stephen King and written by Michael McDowell (1950 - 1999), former scriptwriter of Beetlejuice - Spiritello porcello (Beetlejuice), by director Tim Burton, guest of honor at Lucca Comics & Games 2022. The Spanish illustrator will be present at the festival from 3 to 5 November to meet fans of the saga and personalize their copies.
After the recent success of the exhibitions at Tenoha in Milan, Benjamin Lacombe returns to Lucca Comics & Games for “L'ippocampo edizioni” with his illustrated volumes dedicated to the Land of the Rising Sun, such as Ghost Stories of Japan and Spirits and Creatures of Japan. His passion for Japan will be the focus of the panel Benjamin Lacombe and the Land of the Rising Sun, on Friday 3 November at 10 a.m. at the Auditorium Fondazione Banca Del Monte in Lucca.
Also for “L'ippocampo edizioni”, the French author Camille Monceaux will be a guest at Lucca Comics & Games on 1 November. Her saga The Chronicles of the Maple and Cherry Tree, inspired by the Japanese culture that has marked her deeply and one of the best-loved young adult series among teenagers, will reach its third chapter in October, The Shadow of the Shogun. The author will be in Italy in the last week of October and will conclude her tour precisely at Lucca Comics & Games with the panel Chronicles of Edo, Wednesday 1 November at 10 am at the Auditorium Fondazione Banca Del Monte in Lucca. Following this, those present in the hall will have a book signing moment dedicated to them at the publishing house's stand.