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Celebrating J.R.R. Tolkien and Harry Potter


Two great fantasy anniversaries will be celebrated from 1 to 5 November in Lucca.

Creator of a world still today at the centre of great ludic and filmic adaptations, J.R.R. Tolkien and the world of Arda return as protagonists of the event celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Oxford Professor's death. Started at Murabilia on 2 September with the meeting A Tea with Tolkien, Tolkien's celebrations will be brought to life at the festival with an exhibition in the rooms of the Fondazione Banca del Monte di Lucca entitled Other Minds and Hands: JRRT50 in Time and Space, in Play and Comics.

Guests of the exhibition include Oronzo Cilli, Tolkien collector and expert who has lent part of his private collection, Roberto Di Meglio and Francesco Nepitello, game designers and experts in the ludic world dedicated to Tolkien. Special guest of the Tolkien celebrations Brian Sibley, author of texts on the Oxford Professor and Peter Jackson's trilogies and one of the leading experts on international fantasy.

The celebrations of the 25th year since the publication of the first book in Italy of J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter saga could not be missed.

Special guests of the event will be Miraphora Mina and Eduardo Lima, the two graphic designers who, with their Studio MinaLima and their work on Warner Bros. film props, have given life and concrete substance to the author's words.

The exhibition in Chiesa San Cristoforo, in the heart of the city, is dedicated to them. Entitled MinaLima: Makers of Magic, the exhibition will feature more than 114 original props and sketches from the films, including the letter of acceptance to Hogwarts, the Marauder's Map, the Half-Blood Prince's book of Advanced Potions, the Hogwarts Express ticket, theDaily Prophet, the Chocolate Frogs and more. 

The exhibition will also feature the book The Magic of MinaLima, the volumes of MinaLima dedicated to Harry Potter, including the launch of the third book Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by MinaLima and the classic fairy tales, published in Italy by L'ippocampo edizioni.