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Luca Vince Caltabiano


Luca Vince Caltabiano was born in Canada to Italian parents and was raised at the heart of the Italian diaspora in Montreal. His parents being a writer and a painter, thus creative by nature, Luca grew up eager to create something of his own. He started making short films at a young age as a hobby and it soon turned into a business. He quickly realized that he could combine several hobbies and founded Board To Death TV in 2009, a board game review channel containing short, scripted, high-quality, and informative videos. Luca directs and edits the videos while his brother hosts the episodes, hence staying true to the family vibe that has always been part of their upbringing.

Both brothers are passionate about all forms of gaming and strive to create games of their own.

In 2014, Luca created his first game, a family-friendly and humorous racing game called Carmarace. Soon after, the creative process took him further and he designed increasingly more complex games, from Street Kings (an underground action taking racing game) to Neon Knights (a full-fledged and complete game with car building mechanics, a comic book and a soundtrack). Having gained more and more recognition and success with each game, he was motivated to step out of his comfort zone and began working on Tah Wars, a dynamic and innovative fantasy dice tower game. After having demoed a version of the prototype at Essen, he will now be showcasing his new prototype at Lucca Comics & Games in 2019, in time for the 10th anniversary of BoardtoDeath. Be sure to pass by, have a chat, and try it out the game!

  • Non sarai mai solo una fiera per me, sarai sempre il mio mondo. Lucca, apoteosi delle mie passioni. Angelo Agostini
  • Girandola di emozioni, nuovi amici in un caldo abbraccio di folla festosa, carnevale dell'anima. Carlo Stuto
  • Lucca, sei il fumetto che amo. Giuseppe Bennardo
  • Ogni anno a Lucca le parole sono nuvole sulle labbra, qui vive ogni cosa che puoi immaginare. Alessandro Cecchinelli
  • Lucca, da te ritorno ogni anno mentre tu cresci senza invecchiare e io quando sto con te torno bambino. Giovanni Battista Novaro
  • Che cosa sono l’amore e l’intelletto se non i sentimenti che spingono l'essere umano a seguire le proprie passioni? Lucca Comics & Games è l’anello di congiunzione perfetto tra due quesiti eternamente in lotta. Juri Tirabassi
  • Lucca Comics & Games è il posto perfetto per liberare un sogno chiuso nel cassetto. David Gusso
  • La china che scorre tra le vie di Lucca realizza i nostri sogni. Francesco Tamburini
  • Lucca, sei gioia e dolore, corse, attese, ritardi, freddo e caldo, sorrisi e lacrime, ritrovi e addii, colori e ricordi indelebili. Roberta Giancotti
  • Quando senti di trovarti nel posto giusto al momento giusto, quando chiunque può brillare senza paura, sai di essere a Lucca Comics & Games. Giordano Cruciani