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Livio Sossi Editorial Illustration Award 2022

This exhibition showcases the illustrations selected by the Jury of the Lucca Junior Contest – “Livio Sossi” Editorial Illustration Award 2022.

The contest from which the exhibition originated is held in memory of Prof. Livio Sossi (Trieste, 1951 – 2019), one of the leading experts in children’s illustration and literature, university lecturer, essayist, promoter of children’s books and culture, as well as Jury Chairman of the Lucca Junior Contest since the first edition in 2007.

The participants grappled with the creation of an illustrated project, displaying a complete storyboard and 2 final illustrations from the unpublished work “Non mi aspettavo” written by Angelo Mozzillo.

394 projects were submitted for the contest, and among them the Jury – consisting of Chairman Paolo d’Altan (illustrator) and jurors Davide Calì (author, illustrator and cartoonist), AnnaLaura Cantone (illustrator), Antonella Carnicelli (art director for Terre di mezzo Editore) and Simone Sbarbati (director of the online magazine Frizzifrizzi) – has chosen the winning entry and selected the most interesting illustrations and storyboards, which will be showcased in this exhibition.

Every illustration corresponds to the book pages the participants were asked to depict, starting from Angelo Mozzillo’s work. By visiting the exhibition, you will discover how each artist has interpreted the same work in a personal way, using graphic and compositional solutions, characters, colours and techniques often very different from each other.

The winning project by Francesco Faccia has become a picture book published by Terre di mezzo Editore and will be presented during the Lucca Comics & Games 2022 edition.

On display: Noemi Agosti, Silvia Benedetti, Luca Biancalana (Best Digital Illustration), Erica Borgato, Sara Brienza, Elanor Burgyan, Riccardo Cusimano, Fabrizio Di Baldo, Gloria Di Bella, Francesco Faccia (First Prize), Francesca Gastone (honourable mention by the Jury), Youngin Kim, Arianna Lombardo, Chiara Magnani, Giulia Maidecchi, Manuela Mapelli, Jessica Martinelli, Carlotta Notaro, Gemma Palacio Peon (Jury’s Special Award), Aurora Ravasi, Marta Roverato, Cristina Trapanese (honourable mention by the Jury), Ilaria Traverso, Valeria Valenza (Character Mention) and Alice Zuccheri (Storyboard Special Award).

Contest partners: Terre di mezzo Editore, Book on a Tree, Associazione Autori di Immagine (AI) and Wacom.


Exhibition curated by Sarah Genovese.

Where: Real Collegio (Piazza del Collegio) - Family Palace - Lucca
: from28th October to 1st November. Time: 9.00 AM – 7.00 PM.
Ticket: Free admission.